Thursday, September 20, 2012

Fifth and Sixth Week

Fifth week was filled with meetings, debating on what app to do. In the end, we settled on a todo list, which is a pretty good idea. It's simple, but it's hard to do simple things, right?

Following that, this week has been filled with plenty of reading of documentation. I am very clueless about Node.js + the rest of the stuff that my team is using, so I'm really trying very hard to catch up. Hopefully, I can contribute work :S Michael also attempted to explain things to me, and after eyeballing hush, I sort of understand what's going on (what calls on what). Understanding it is one thing, but being able to code in it is another. Hopefully, I can contribute to the project. (If not, I'm going to buy coffee and what not for them.) Speaking of coffee, I am also really liking coffee-script, although it's hard to learn stuff while reading coffee-script - all the examples given online are in .js. The entire framework and all the libraries that my team is using is also really magical somewhat so haha, not easy to learn? But yes, I shall eyeball, and practice writing more code. 

Meanwhile, I seem to be having more luck with Maths recently. My midterm last week didn't go that badly (umm, marks aren't out though), and I'm starting to get really interested in geometry. 

This was part of my assignment answers for MA3229 (Geometric modelling). Mmm, I recently discovered components (e.g. slider bar, text area, plot area), so I used it in my assignment. (The number of points that interpolate the curve changes when you slide the bar.) In any case, I started wondering how come Maths Professors don't do it more often, like using all these tools to help their students visualise what they are learning. In any case, I'm starting to feel that I could be on my road to my FYP, since my FYP needs to combine both Maths and CS. I really need to conceptualise it better however.

But in the meantime, I really need to check my students' work and finish up a Maths assignment.  Good night everyone, and sweet dreams!

P.S. I really need to exercise the other side of my brain to come up with ideas for CS3216.
P.P.S. My skills in identifying hot games has also improved, although for now, it's a lot less useful than being able to identify who will get off the train first whenever I want a seat in a crowded train. Mmm, maybe I should have advertised that as my talent in the talent show at the beginning of the course.
P.P.P.S. There is some backstory to my group. I think that in CS3217, I really wanted to partner up with a lot of other people whom I hadn't worked before with (e.g. Eldwin, Div etc.). So at least in CS3216, I finally got the opportunity to work with Div, who was the first person I approached for the team. 


  1. Node.js is probably one of the cooler things I've seen. I've always coded servers in C and pthreads, and that's quite a pain. Xp

    1. I think I need to code servers in C and pthreads before I realise how painful it is. :p But yeah, Node.js is pretty cool, and a lot of the stuff that Div and Michael are using is pretty cool (and magical) also. Think I've learnt a lot through them in the past week!
